Thursday, January 14, 2016

Midterm part 1- Final Game Project

My final game project is going to be a jumping game. The game involves a character and different blocks for the character to jump on. There will also be several blocks that go away if you jump on them. I will most likely be using an underwater animal for this game and an underwater background. When the levels change, the background will change with the following sprite. Each time the sprite hits a correct block, the score will go up by one, if the sprite misses a block, the score will go back to zero . The sprite will be given 15 seconds to complete the level. To win each level, you have to touch the star at the top and say, "I WON." There will most likely be 3 levels, and each will get harder as it goes by, with a shorter amount of time. To increase the difficulty, i will make more hiding blocks and obstacles. To beat the game, you muct complete all 3 levels within the time slot and grab the star! 

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