Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Intro to HTML

During the class today, I logged on to W3schools.com and did the practice HTML maker. I was making the Thanksgiving webpage and I added the text in between the given lines. There was already an outline for me so it was extra easy. Then I saved it to my computer after I approved of the preview. :)

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

W3 Schools HTML Quiz

I took the HTML quiz from W3schools.com. After I took this, I got 15 out of 25 correct. I didn't know how to make a bulleted list or a Numbers list. I also wasn't sure of how to make a dropdown menue and textbox area. After I looked at my answers, I knew that I accidently switched answers to two problems.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

intro to HTML

I used W3schools. com and used the tutorial. After doing the tutorial, i made my real webpage and saved it to my computer. I opened it back up and it was a webpage!!